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Back to School

Step 1: Back to School Forms

Attention Parents: If you have more than one student at Head Elementary, you must complete the forms for each student separately. 

  • New for 2024-2025: Orientation forms and parent acknowledgments will be in ParentSquare for the 2024-25 school year rather than MyPaymentsPlus.

  • Beginning July 23rd, required Open House forms, school contributions, and PTA forms will be available online. If you have more than one student at Head ES, you must complete the forms for each student separately. Visit your ParentSquare account to complete this process.

    Need help with ParentSquare? Click HERE to go to the GCPS ParentSquare information page.

  • Read and sign off on the required GCPS release forms and waivers regarding attendance and other student protocols. You will also be able to pay any student fees and/or contributions.   

Why do I need to go online?

Each year, all parents need to read & sign the required GCPS release forms and waivers. These include GCPS forms regarding Attendance, Student Information Protocols, Acceptable Use Policies for Technology, Head ES and GCPS Student Handbooks, and more. You will also be able to pay any student fees and/or contributions through MyPaymentsPlus.

Need help with MyPaymentsPlus? Please visit the GCPS website.

Additional Information:

  • Supply Lists
    Find out what materials your child will need this school year
  • MyPaymentsPlus
    Access your account to pay student cafeteria balances, set up pre-payments for breakfast/lunch, and receive low-balance e-mail reminders
  • Cafeteria Information
    View school menus, information about meal pricing, and more...
  • Free & Reduced Lunch Application
    Must be renewed each year
  • Student Accident Insurance
    GCPS provides parents with an opportunity to purchase accident insurance policies through K&K Insurance Group. There are several options for parents to choose from. Plan brochures, enrollment applications, and claims assistance can be found on the K&K Insurance Group website.

Step 2: Attend Open House

For the 2024-2025 School Year:

To prepare for our Open House on Thursday, August 1st, please review the time slots for your visit. Adhering to these times will ensure that we have enough parking for everyone.

Open House will be Thursday, August 1st. Please arrive during your assigned time below based on your student's last name.

(A-I) - 8:00 - 9:00

(J-Q) - 9:15 - 10:15

(R-Z) - 10:30 - 11:30